Sunday, April 13, 2008

Weekend's Over.... bummer!

So just like that the weekend has come & gone!!!

4 movies, 1 bag of popcorn, 1/2 a can of cashews & waaaaay to much soda later, all the movies we got from Blockbuster have been seen & enjoyed by all. We had a great family night. For once, there was no fighting or crying like the usuals "See my movie first!" or "I don't like her movie" or the famous "She always gets to go first". We actually ALL decided on the movie order, who sat where, who ate/held what... all was good.

So my sidekick ended up picking Nancy Drew, not as good as I would have wanted it to be. Princess chose Bratz, not as bad as I thought it would be. I chose Martian Child, could've been better... But hey, we bonded. We laughed. We didn't cry, bummer. I love a good movie that can make me cry, although it doesn't take much I tell ya. I do have Riding in Cars with Boys, which is a good cry I've been told. Can't wait to pop in into the dvd!!!

But alas, now the weekend's over. Monkey & Princess are peacefully sleeping in their beds (after an hour and a half process of getting them in bed. I swear those girls don't actually get in bed until I start yelling!) I myself don't want to go to bed either, because that will officially end my weekend. Plus, inevitably, if I go to bed now, I will then only wake up to a MONDAY. I don't like those! They scare me.

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