Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Weekend Recap... MidWeek lol

It's already Wednesday... Like O.M.G !!! I can't believe it!!!
This weekend (yeah, this weekend, I'm that behind lol) was absolutely awesome! Of course I haven't been able to tell you all about it because of my previous bitch fest and job hunting fiasco. But I promise not to bore you all with that today. Today is a fun day! Today is a better day! I pinky promise...
So, remember how I told you all that I'm going camping in January with all my little Girl Scouts? Well to be able to do that I had to take some training (of course) and that training was this weekend. Basically, I had to go camping to learn the ropes and what to do and not to do. Anyways, that was this weekend. The very same weekend that the weather dropped down to 25 degrees!!!!! Uh huh... twenty five degrees!!!! I'm telling you, I just about cried myself to sleep that night... You should have seen me. I had my brand new sleeping bag that I just bought this black friday (which is good for 30 degree weather) which I thought would be perfectly ok because it never, ever gets below 30 here at all. Not even close... Maybe once or twice a year it will go down to 35 or so, but that's it. So I should be good, right???? Hahahaha... Oh so wrong! I'm telling you, I was fu-ree-zing!!! I had (now don't laugh ok) 3, count them 1-2-3 sweetpants on, 2 pairs of socks ( 1 of the normal ones and the other super soft and warm ones) 2 undershirts, 1 long sleeve shirt, 1 sweatshirt with hoodie AND my super warm fleece bathrobe on. PLUS a fleece blanket inside the sleeping bag.... and guess what ???? I was STILL cold !!! No, I'll take that back, I wasn't cold. I was fu-ree-zing ! ! ! I almost, almost cried... ( and the mom that went with me later confessed that she did shed a tear, lol) And I couldn't fall asleep 'cause I just couldn't get comfortable. And there is absolutely NO tossing and turning inside a sleeping bag... go figure. Which come to think of it, it's actually my first time in a sleeping bag. Wow! I didn't realize that I was a sleeping bag virgin until now! Whoa, I was de-virginized and I didn't even know it! Anyways, I couldn't sleep. I was cold. I was miserable and I missed my hubby. We ALWAYS hug at night, and although he probably wouldn't admit it, we cuddle too. And of course, we end up falling asleep like that in each other's arms.... but he wasn't there!!! I was cold and had nobody to hug! That my friends was so not cool. Which then of course made me make a mental note, bring a body pillow next time. Definitely!!!!
And during my sleepless night, all I could do was think. Yup, thinking about January when I just have to go again, only this time with 12 little girls and all I could think was how the hell are they all going to survive??? They'll probably be coming to my cabin crying and complaining that they are cold. Sh!t, if I'm cold and suffering I have no frieking idea how they are going to survive! But they better, 'cause I'm not giving them my blankets! That's for sure!
And then, morning came. We got up and I swear I did not even want to change clothes. Heck no! that would mean having to take off what I had on to put something else on (which was probably really cold). I was miserable I tell ya! But then, we headed to the kitchen and started making breakfast. Everybody was out there... talking, laughing, sharing stories, bonding. It was SO. MUCH. FUN. Then, we learned games, how to read compasses, tie knots, identify wild things and such and I loved it!!! I felt like a little kid, learning new things and being amazed with all that I was learning.... and that's when I realize that the 12 little girls that I take camping will absolutely love it too!!! They might hate that first night just like I did, but once day breaks and we start all our activities.... they will have so much fun! And most of them have never even left the city, none the less go camping. So just thinking of that made my adventurous 25 degree weather experience seem a little bit better. The final outcome would definitely make a difference in the live's of those 12 little girls.
I can't wait for January!!! Well actually, yes I can. But I do look forward to going! I feel a lot more prepared and capable of handling the trip and the girls, but the weather... that's another issue! lol

Just Me Bitching 'bout Life...

Major Complaining Ahead:
This is your free pass. Your get out of jail free card... Your warning. This is a long, whiny post that pertains to this moment in my life. Feel free to skip, or read at your own discredtion.
As you must all imagine, being that I'm currently out of a job and nobody seems to want to hire me right now, or is really, really, really dragging their feet in doing so, money is a really big issue around our household lately. Mainly because we don't have ANY of it... Only hubby is working (the poor thing) and guess what??? They just informed him that they are cutting back ALL overtime hours!!! As of today, he will be punching out at 3:30...
OH MY LORD! We were barely getting by with the couple of overtime hours he was getting per day (and by barely getting by I mean not having enough money that we had to borrow (ouch! yes borrow) from a family member to make ends meet!) And now.... Lordy Lord, now... I do not, can not even imagine what this coming month is going to be like for us. I'm only hoping and praying that somebody, ANYBODY from the million and one places who have received my resume calls me back. If not, I am sooooooooooo frieking desperate that I will soon be asking people if they want fries with that. I am NOT kidding. We NEED money, and there is absolutely no shame to working in any of those places where you have to ask that question. Granted, I haven't worked at one of those places for over 10 years & I have mastered other skills that don't pertain to that working environment, but at this point, yes I think I have reached that point... I will take anything! As long as they give me a paycheck at the end of the week I'm good. Especially right now! Out of all the times in the world to be out of a job, Christmas time . . .
And yes I know, Christmas is NOT all about the presents. That I know. But it just sucks not to have money!
It's a mixed bag of emotions for me right now. And I'm sorry for all the complaining that I've been doing lately, hence the warning at the beginning of the post. I know that we are blessed! We are truly, truly blessed. That I know, and that I repeat to myself every single day. But I'm tired of my girls asking me for things, just simple things and my answer always having to be the same. That I don't have the money for that right now... Poor girls, they've heard it so many times that they've even changed their questions to "Mommy, when you get a job and you have money, can you buy me ____________ ?" Now THAT breaks my heart.... My babies are fully aware of our money issues and that just tears me from the inside. As if me and hubby being stressed wasn't enough, I have been so careless as to letting them find out and now it's in their minds. Sh!t! Little girls shouldn't have to worry about money issues, should they???? I don't want them to be stressing over things they can't handle... over things that I should be able to take care of for them.
Lucky for them, Christmas is going to be absolutely GRAND! (somewhat) even though we don't even have a Christmas tree or any decorations inside the house they will have one present under the tree for both of them. Yes, so far only 1 and they have to share it. They usually have 2 big presents each (one from mommy & daddy and the other from Santa. Oh shit, I'm probably going to have to tell them that Santa didn't get our new forwarding address). So the 1 present they get to share is a gift that many, many, many little kids would just absolutely LOVE to have. And of course my girlies are no exception to the rule. They have no idea! They will be absolutely ecstatic! They are getting... get ready for this.....
a Wii
Ok, stop it. Don't start throwing shit at me and saying how you were sympathizing with me and how could we be out of money but still be getting them a Wii???? I told you I know we are truly blessed. And no I didn't go without paying the bills to get them that Wii. Um, nope! I'd rather have running, hot water in my house thank you very much!
Actually, if it wasn't for my wonderful, generous, adorable, kind hearted sister they wouldn't even have that gift from us. See, my sister knows that my hubby really wanted to get them 1 this year. She was at the store and saw it (and she knows they're still somewhat hard to get by) so she called and asked if she should get it for us and just pay her back. Um, no we said. We don't really have the money for that now and we don't want to be forever endebted with you. But guess what??? She got it anyways. And she mailed it over to us and poor thing... First thing out of her mouth was don't get mad. Please don't get mad! That it is NOT from her to the girls, but that it is for the girls from US! WTF, how???? Remember, we can't pay you back for this, not now, not in a reaaaaaally long time. And the last thing we need right now is to owe more people money. Well, no need to pay her back she says ... Huh?!?!? I'm confused. See, she knows what a poor Christmas this will be for us and how special we wanted it for the girls so she got it for us to give to them and she practically gave it to us. She is of course better off than we are, duhh! But her reasoning is that basically hubby has helped her out a lot over at their house. See, he's very handy and always helps her with electrical stuff around the house, fixing things, making things for her, this and that. Also, she has a rental property here in the city where we live, and hubby fixes things that get broken, cuts the grass when it wasn't rented, and stuff like that. So she said she's always wanted to send us some cash and she knew we wouldn't take it, so she decided to send us this Wii as a form of payment. Now we get to give the girls the gift they've wanted for a very long time, which is NOT even on their Christmas list because they know there is no chance in hell that they'd ever get it!!!
What?!?!? I'm freaking out!
She should have sent the MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, my big sis is an angel in disguise.... She aleviated our problem a bit, but in a way made it worse. how will I ever pay her back??? Not moneywise of course, but.... I don't even have money to get her kids a small gift. This totally and truly sucks!
See what I mean??? Mixed bag of emotions. Elated that the girls are getting a frieking awesome gift when many kids might not even be getting anything, yet so many things that we need to have or do that won't/can't get done.... Ugh! So whatcha think, should I sell the thing on ebay and cash in on the money????? Lol
Thanks for reading. You all truly are little angels in disguise too! I'll try to be in a better mood tomorrow, I promise!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

What Do I Look Like??? A Clown?!?!?!

don't answer that!
I am so far surviving the 'interview process' for this company that I applied for, and I am about to SCREAM!!!!! Yes, I survived! But these people, I swear. The nerve of them! Making me jump through hoops and put on a show for them, all because I want (need) a job. They take advantage of my poor, pathetic, vulnerable little self.
Yes I need a job.
Yes I want to work for them.
But come on, wasn't 2 interviews the previous day enough?
NO you say!
What is that you say?
That you feel the need not only to torture me with a panel interview, but to also, when I think I'm done and I just survived your 'panel interview', you go ahead and throw me into a smaller room and make me "ROLE PLAY" with 3 shmucks in there. Yes, putting me through such grief as being interviewed by 10 people at the same time wasn't enough for you huh??? No! You weren't done having your fun with me. You then just HAD to have me do something that had ABSOLUTELY.NOTHING.TO.DO with the position for which I was applying for. Just go in here you say and role play these following situations. Ummmmm.... you know what??? You should thank your lucky stars that I'm a team player & wtf, I was already there so I just went with it. But I was soooo ready to just laugh at the HR lady's face and say are you serious?!?!? Am I on Candid Camera or something?!?! But no, I kept my composure. As I said earlier, wtf, I was already there. I already gave you my time, my gas, my pretty perfume, my nice slacks, I did my hair, I actually washed my teeth for you people, so hell yeah I was gonna stay there 'til the end. So of course I pulled shit out of my ass for you people. Yes, that's right! Out of my ass!!!! You wanted to bullshit me so I bullshitted your people back. And not to pat myself on the back (ok, totally to pat myself on the back if only to make me feel better) I did a pretty great job at it. Yes, I can tell the shmucks in there were pretty impressed will all the bullshit thrown their way, which again I reiterate had ABSOLUTELY. NOTHING. TO. DO. WITH . THE. POSITION. FOR . WHICH. I. AM. APPLYING. FOR. and yes, I am screaming!@ #!$ (Not at you my bloggy friends, sorry! ) But at them!!!

So going back just a little bit, as you can see I just had my panel interview and besides all the frieking curve balls they threw my way, I sooooooooooo nailed it. Just like I thought I would, ok actually just like I hoped I would. And guess what? If I thought the original 4 0r 5 that were going to be in there was a scary thing, then how about opening the door to a ginormous table surrounded by about 10 people. Frieking shit! What to do?!?!? What to do?!?!? So I did the first thing that came to mind to break the ice... I flashed them!!! Yup, I did. I showed them my boobies... After all, my goal WAS to nail them, right???? Lol, just kidding... although that would have helped cut the fiasco short and I could be on my merry way much faster. But anyways. I feel dirty. I feel used. I feel like if I sold myself as best I could, like hire me. Please, please, please hire me. I'm the best that there is, the best you can get. I'll work my ass off for you. Pretty much just grobble at their feet, and now the ball is in their corner. Will they pick me up off my knees ( from begging people, not anything else you dirty minded cochinos) and tell me that I'm exactly what they've been looking for?
(((( enter big, big sigh here))))
I sure hope so. 'cause I'm sure getting tired of being poor. And to think that all this for nothing???? OH hell no!!!!
So did I nail it?
Yes, I'm pretty damm confident that I did!
But did I get the job?
Well, that was pretty much a don't call us, we'll call you type of deal. CRAP!!!
But wait, then low and behold............. THEY CALLED!!!!
Yes, they did! They called me back!!!
I told you I impressed them!!!
But anyways, it was a good call. Unfortunately, NOT to tell me that I got the job, but to let me know that I will be advancing in the interview process. WHAT.THE.FUDGE!?!?!??!? ok, now I am screaming AGAIN!!! It's an ok job, but like I said, not for the presidency, or their vp or ceo or anything even remotely close to that! So what's up with all this frieking hoop jumping????
2 interviews in one day with of course 2 different people. CHECK!
A panel interview with 10 different people. CHECK!
A "role play" with 3 schmucks in a small office. CHECK!
A personality test to be emailed to me..... Still waiting on that one!
And then only God knows what the heck they'll have me do...... Geez, Louise!
So that's where I'm at people. I did good... I nailed them, without having to nail them, if you know what I mean. But the saga continues. On the super sunny side, I just got an email from a different company that states that "After an initial review of your application, it appears you may have the basic qualifications for a job opening(s) at _____________ (a really cool place to work at that has super duper great benefits which I would in the blink of an eye take over this other one that is treating me like a clown making me jump through all those hoops) breathe!
So after this email, do I just wait for them to call me? Or should I call them? Hmmm, I probably will call them just to confirm that I received the email..... I'll let you all know when I'm out of the broke barn, okie dokie!!!!!!

Panel Job Interview..... WHAT?!?!

The sun is shining!
The birds are singing!
I think I even see a rainbow!!!!!!!!
Nah, I'm just lying people. It's actually about 50 some degrees, super windy and quite cold around here today. But in my own little world ( my head ) it looks like the 1st scenario. =0D
You see, after being out of work for over 4 months... yes, f-o-u-r months, I had my 1st interview yesterday. And guess what? I absolutely nailed it !!!!!!!! Yay me! ( patting myself on the back for a job well done! and thanking the internet for giving me all the right answers, lol. Seriously, no need to feel nervous when you're getting ready for an interview. Just google the questions you know they'll ask and you get a humongous assortment of great answers! ) So much so that the 2nd lady that interviewed me actually told me she was very impressed with me... okay, okay. I threw in the 'very' 'cause it makes it sound better, BUT she did say she was impressed... Yeah, why wouldn't she be, right?!?!? I tend to do that to people, you know, impress them!
( hahahahahahahahah , excuse me please ... even I had to laugh at that one )
Well anyways, I got her approval and now I move on in the hiring process.
I have a panel interview today!!!!!!!!!
Did you all hear that?!?!?
A panel interview!!!
wtf! I'm not applying for state governor or anything. Why do we need a panel of people interviewing me?????? Isn't only one enough!!!!!
If I was nervous yesterday before my interview when only 1 person was asking me bs questions like: tell me a little bit about yourself, why should I hire you over the other applicants, what skills will you be bringing that differ from everybody else's, where do you see yourself in 5 years, what is your weakness, what is your strength, blah,blah,blah,blah,blah! Now can you imagine 4 or 5 different bigshots sitting there, asking me their own questions?!??! I not only have to bs 1 person, but a whole bunch of them. Wow! I can easily bullshit myself through 1, but 5 at a time... Why oh why must they gang up on me????
Breathe! Just breathe!
((( taking big breaths here )))
I just have to repeat to myself: I believe in myself. I can do it. I have what it takes. I'm a hard worker. I. AM. A . BADASS!!!
Just a couple hundred more times of repeating this to myself and I will believe it.
And then I will nail this panel interview as well. Oops, that didn't sound right. Not that I will nail the panel, but I will nail the interview with the panel. Hmmm, although the 1st scenario sounds like it would definitely help my chances of getting the job.
Hmmm, something to think about I guess.
In the meantime, can you all just cross your fingers for me? Please send good wishes and good vibes my way. And if it isn't too much to ask for, I'd love a little prayer. I really, really, really need this job. At this point I'd almost take ANY job, but the good thing is that this sounds like a pretty decent one so I'd really, really, really like to get hired by them. Hopefully good wishes and prayers work, 'cause I really don't wanna nail all 5 of them, lol!!!
((( kidding ok, just kidding!!! )))

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Tantrum Is Over!

Just like a little kid, all those tantrums I threw and for nothing.
Well, because I did end up participating in Black Friday!!!!!!!!! WooooooHoooooooo!
Well, the cheap way of course!
See, come January me and my Girl Scouts will go camping....... YIKES!!! I know. I know. WTF was I thinking?!?!? Camping?!?!?! Me.... Seriously!!!!!!! I do not even remember when the last time I went camping was.... Definitely BEFORE getting married or having kids. Definitely BEFORE I was the one that had to organize anything. I was the kid that had the mom and aunts that had done all the planning, packing, cooking, shopping, etc. I just went, little ol' me was scared to death and had an ok time camping. By ok time I mean that I survived and that was a victory for me 'cause I was oh so scared of being out in the wild! I swore never to return. That was it. I guess I must have forgot that last part about vowing never to return because now, OMG, now.... I'm the adult!!!! And not only will I be in charge of my own 2 kiddos, I'll also be in charge of all the other little girly girls that go with us!!!!!!! Again, WTF was I thinking?!?!?!?! Apparently not much. Well, maybe that I'm the leader... And that the girls begged me to go camping... and that the 2 major things people associate with Girl Scouts is Cookies (which we'll be starting in January) and of course camping. So I was suckered into it. That and now the girls think that I'm the coolest person ever!!! Of course, they pretty much think I'm cool anyways, but now, I'm at the very top of their list.... =0D
How pathetic am I???? My goal is to be cool to a bunch of little girls?!?!?! lol.... Anyways, back to the topic here people. Since we're going camping, me and my girls need sleeping bags. 1 for me, 1 for Princess and 1 for Monkey. And not the regular ol' sleeping bags, but the good kind. Cause of course, being the geniuses that we are we're camping in mid winter and it very well might get to be super, duper cold. Genius right??? Well, it beats 110 degree weather. So anyways, we needed sleeping bags that withstand 30 degree weather... not the ones they already have. Noooooooooooooo, that would just be too easy on me and what fun would that be?!?!? Then Murphy wouldn't be doing his job right, now would he? Soooooooooooooo..... I was all bummed that I'd be missing black friday...but I just HAD to look at the ads anyways. I love doing that! I just love it!!! Of course knowing very well that no matter how good the sales were I could not go, because we just don't have the cash for anything that we don't absolutely need right now... luckily they don't charge for the air we breathe or we'd probably be dead right now, lol.... not so funny if it's true!!!! Sorry! Anyways, Sports Authority had the good sleeping bags 66% off! The sleeping bags that are originally priced $30 each were only $10 for the good kind, the ones we actually needed. I could not believe it!!! Meaning instead of paying $90.00 for 3 bags, I could pay $30.oo. Now that's a deal! But low and behold, then, once I read the fine print, it ALSO said that the first 100 people in line would get a $10 gift card towards that day's purchase. WHAT?!?!?!?! So if hubby and I go, that was 2 cards, which were equal to $20.oo. So hubby got a card and I got another one. We bought the 3 sleeping bags that we absolutely needed (unless we wanted to freeze to death while camping) which even on black friday would have been only $30, but thanks to the 2 cards they discounted $20 and we got all 3 for only $10!!!!!!!!!
And HE listens!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had no frieking idea with what money I was going to buy those sleeping bags, and then this pops up!!! I was ecstatic!!! We are now 1 step closer to go camping. Yikes! Well that's just plain scary! But the good part was that thanks to this I was able to participate in black friday!!!!!!!!!
Geez, I guess volunteering does have its advantages!